【同义词辨析】 2018-04-25 违反breach-infringement
breach: implies failure to keep a promise: sued for ~ of contract.
infraction: usually implies the breaking of a law or obligation: an ~ of the school rules.
violation: implies the flagrant disregard of the law or the rights of others and often suggests the exercise of force or violence: the police intervention was a ~ of the right to assembly.
transgression: often with a moral connotation, applies to any act that goes beyond the limits prescribed by law, rule, or order: censured for repeated financial ~s.
trespass: implies an encroachment upon the rights, the comfort, or the property of others: a would-be buglar who was arrested for ~.
infringement: implies an encroachment upon a legally protected right or privilege: any unauthorized reproduction constitutes an ~ of the book's copyright.
breach: 表示没有履行承诺(因此较广),infraction: 多指违反法律或义务,violation:公然不顾法律和他人权益,常涉及武力暴力,transgression:常有道德意涵,任何超越划定的法律规则秩序界限的行为,trespass: 侵入他人权益舒适区或财产(encroach和trespass互相解释,表示偷偷侵入他人领地),infringement: 侵犯受法律保护的权益或特权。
记忆方法: 1)BIVTTI重新排列成BITVIT想成是Break IT, ViolateIT. 打破它,违反它==>违反。
2)违反的意思是破坏法律职责或义务mean the breaking of a law, duty or obligation.